Q. How Do I obtain an application form?
Ans. - An application form is available at Rainbow Kids office on working weekdays during office hours or you can download the application form available in our Admission Section.
Q. What supplies do I need to send to school?
• Send the Child in a clean and neat dress
• The bags or baskets should be labeled with child's name
• One extra pair of dress should be kept in the bag (snack time only 20 minutes)
• Nails should be trimmed at regular intervals
• Strictly, no gold ornaments/ valuable things inside the school campus
• It is necessary to show the Parents Pass, if a strange person is going to pick-up the child
• School working hours are from 9.00am to 1.00pm
• Children should be in school before 9.00am
Q. May I come for an observation?
Ans. - Yes. In fact, we welcome parents once in a month to observe their child in school.
Q. What about children's safety?
Ans. - We have developed comprehensive policy for children's safety. During working hours, the school doors are locked and guarded. Besides, no stranger is allowed around classrooms.